The purpose of the article is to analyze and evaluate the professional standards and ethical norms governingthe activities of an interpreter in criminal proceedings, in particular, to identify their impact on the properquality of the interpreter’s performance of his/her procedural functions.Methods. The methodological basis of the study is based on general scientific and special legal methods, inparticular, dialectical, systemic analysis, and theoretical generalization.Results. Based on the analysis of existing legal acts, practical recommendations, current trends inthe development of the field of applied linguistics, as well as the study of relevant doctrinal sources: – a list of professional standards for the activities of an interpreter in criminal proceedings is provided;– the differences in approaches to defining ethical rules and frameworks for professional translators areillustrated;– current directions of reforming the qualification (certification) requirements for professional translatorsare outlined;– specific examples of violations of ethical norms and professional standards of translation are provided;– сertain problematic issues and risks that make it impossible to properly implement the procedural functionsof an interpreter in criminal proceedings are formulated as well as ways to solve such problems are suggested.Conclusions. Professional standards and ethics of interpreters involved in any stage of criminal proceedingsare essential to ensure that the rights and legitimate interests of individuals are respected. Such requirementsshould be reflected in specific regulatory documents that will set a model of professional behavior for the entireindustry and be recognized throughout the country. At the same time, it is important to implement the bestpractices of standardizing translation activities of the European Union member states.
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