This article aims to study the essence, place and role of the judiciary in Ukraine in the construction of the rule of law in today’s conditions. In order to achieve the declared goal and obtain appropriate results, the following set of methods was used: general scientific methods, formal legal method, systematic approach. Results and conclusions of such activities. The article analyzes the question of the place and role of the judiciary in Ukraine in the construction of the rule of law in today’s conditions. It is indicated that the path that Ukraine has chosen for its future is quite balanced and fair, it is connected with the civilized world, and therefore our state should become truly democratic, social and legal. For this, obviously, all branches of government should make maximum efforts to realize the set goal. Scientific approaches to understanding the rule of law, its historical roots and modern approaches to expanded content, elemental composition, factors contributing to positive progress in the formation of a favorable legal field for the development of this area are analyzed. It is emphasized that in the context of building a legal state, the judicial power is of great importance, because it is the task of protecting the law, preventing violations of the rights and freedoms of people and citizens, and in the case of such violations, their immediate restoration. It was emphasized that the current period is quite difficult and stressful for Ukraine, because, first of all, it is connected with the opposition to the external enemy, which is trying with all its efforts to take away our sovereignty, independence, integrity and inviolability.Instead, it was emphasized that this is not the only test for our state, as there are many other threats and challenges in Ukrainian society, related, in particular, to the observance of human and citizen rights and freedoms. Unfortunately, although the judicial branch of government has tried to implement certain systemic transformational processes, it has not yet been possible to achieve a positive result. It has been established that, despite everything, the judicial branch of government, represented by its bodies, directs its activities to the implementation of positive reforms in the justice system, the formation of a professional, high-quality judicial core, devoid of negative qualities, frank indulgence of the law, in particular, the corruption component. Such a position suggests that the judicial power, in fact, occupies an important place in the construction of the rule of law and, obviously, its role in this process is difficult to overestimate.
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