The aim of this article is to investigate the signs of crimes of genocide in the Russian-Ukrainian warof the 21st century. In order to achieve the declared goal and obtain proper research results, the following set of methods wasused: comparative-legal method, logical-legal method, historical-legal method, normative-dogmatic method,etc. Results and conclusions of such activities. Genocide is a war crime against members of a certain national,ethnic, racial or religious group with the deliberate aim of its complete or partial destruction and is aimedat eliminating the culture and national identity of a group of people. International humanitarian law providesfor criminal responsibility for crimes of genocide – at the level of international justice, genocide cases areconsidered against the highest military and political leadership of the state, in other cases, the investigationof crimes of genocide is carried out at the national level. The international legal mechanism for the preventionof war crimes provides that if certain actions indicate that the crime of genocide may be committed, thenthe subjects of international relations are obliged to take all possible measures regarding this warning.The actions of the Russian Federation during the Russo-Ukrainian war have signs of genocide: public callsfor the destruction of Ukrainians, as representatives of “a nation that does not exist”; targeted shellingof critical civilian infrastructure, persecution and destruction of pro-Ukrainian citizens; physical destructionof Ukrainians, in particular, mass torture and execution of Ukrainian prisoners of war and civilians, shellingof residential buildings, repeated strikes by missiles and drones during rescue operations; taking measuresto change the national identity of Ukrainian children; destruction and looting of cultural heritage objects;denial of access to humanitarian aid, etc. The recognition by the Ukrainian state and a number of other statesat the official level of Russia’s actions against Ukraine as genocide demonstrates their readiness to help indocumenting and examining the facts of genocide, promotes the creation of special commissions and justicebodies that investigate and consider crimes of genocide, and causes political pressure and diplomatic measuresto in relation to the Russian Federation, which commits acts of genocide and taking measures to prevent it.
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