Keywords: international justice, international tribunals, International Criminal Court


This article focuses on certain aspects of the mechanism of international tribunals. To achieve the goaland obtain relevant research results, the following combination of methods was used: historical and legalmethods, methods of formal logic, comparativist method.The results of such activities are the following conclusions. In the history of international justice,such international tribunals as the Nuremberg Tribunal, the International Military Tribunal for East Asia, the International Tribunal for Yugoslavia, the International Tribunal for Rwanda, the Extraordinary Chambersin the Courts of Cambodia, the Special Court for Sierra Leone, Specialized Trial Chambers and SpecializedProsecutor’s Office for Kosovo, International Criminal Tribunal for Syria, International Residual Mechanismfor Criminal Tribunals. Their activity became the basis and prerequisite for the creation of the InternationalCriminal Court, laid the foundation of international justice, formed a number of international legal conceptsand principles in the field of international criminal justice.The International Criminal Court is the first permanent legal institution of international justice forthe prosecution of persons accused of systematic genocide, crimes against humanity, peace and war crimes.This court is based on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court of 1988. Ukraine recognizedthe jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in such cases as: the case regarding crimes committedon the Maidan during the Revolution of Dignity; the case regarding war crimes and crimes against humanitycommitted on its territory and takes all necessary measures to facilitate the activity of this tribunal onthe territory of Ukraine. The issue of Ukraine’s ratification of the Rome Statute becomes particularly relevantin the context of European integration processes and the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, sincethe ratification of the statute will allow Ukraine to obtain the rights of a full member of the InternationalCriminal Court, reform Ukrainian criminal law, introduce modern international standards into the justicesystem, and bring those guilty of war crimes to justice. criminal liability regardless of the position they holdin the aggressor country.


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