Keywords: domestic violence, gender-based violence, women victims of violence.


The purpose of this article is to study certain aspects of the experience of foreign countries in combating domestic violence as a gender-based form of violence. In order to achieve the declared goal and obtain the appropriate results, the following combination of methods was used: historical and legal methods, methods of formal logic, comparativist method. The results of such activity are: 1) study of reports of international organizations regarding; 2) the thesis that each country differs in the level of effectiveness of ensuring women’s rights in general and combating domestic violence in general, since the legislation, the system of state and nonstate institutions that direct their activities to overcome such negative social phenomena differs significantly; 3) the positive achievements of foreign countries in the field of combating domestic violence as a genderbased form of violence are singled out. Conclusions. In relevant reports, international organizations note that every third woman in the world becomes a victim of one or another form of violence during her life. Factors of the interaction of women and men that determine the manifestation of domestic violence as a gender-based form of violence include: physical advantages of men compared to women; historically determined economic dependence of a woman on a man; the presence of stereotypes regarding the social roles of women in society and the family, etc. Each country differs in the level of effectiveness of ensuring women’s rights in general and combating domestic violence in general, since the legislation, the system of state and non-state institutions that direct their activities to overcome such negative social phenomena differ significantly. Among the positive achievements of foreign countries in the field of combating domestic violence as a gender-based form of violence, the following should be noted: formation of a national strategy for combating violence; recognition of domestic violence as a crime; support for victims of violence; rehabilitation of rapists; development of the system of state and non-state institutions that promote gender equality and countering domestic violence; partner cooperation with the police, medical institutions, guardianship services and other organizations to ensure a comprehensive approach to solving the problem; creation of a system of shelters and crisis rooms for victims of domestic violence; scientific rationale for combating domestic violence; extensive systems of educational and information measures in the field of combating domestic violence; implementation of feminist foreign policy, etc.


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