Keywords: criminal proceedings, inspection, computer data, tactics, collection of evidence, examination of evidence.


Purpose. The article is devoted to the formulation of practically oriented recommendations regarding the organization and tactics of computer data inspection in criminal proceedings. During the research, methods of analysis, synthesis, modeling, forecasting, formal-logical, formal-legal were used. Results. It is noted that the inspection of computer data requires a separate set of tactical recommendations regarding the organization and tactics of its implementation due to the specificity of the object and the peculiarities of the procedural order. Such tactical recommendations should be aimed at improving the efficiency of the activities of authorized persons during the conduction of such a procedural action. The author emphasizes that as part of the preparation for conducting an inspection of computer data, it is advisable to first find out what devices and types of data will be inspected, to ensure the participation of specialists and check the availability of the necessary technical means. It was established that the essence of computer data inspection consists in the direct perception and recording by authorized persons of the audiovisual expression of the content of computer data after their interpretation by means of computer equipment and reproduction through data output devices. It was determined that the main and mandatory form of recording the progress and results of the inspection of computer data is a protocol, in the descriptive part of which it is advisable to enter a detailed description of the actions of authorized persons and the content of the examined computer data. The author recommends adding media with full copies of the researched data, video recordings of the screen of the device used for the inspection, printouts of the examined data, printed photo tables, etc. as integral appendices to the protocol. Conclusions. Inspection of computer data is one of the main means of collecting and examining electronic (digital) evidence (electronic documents) during pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses provided for by the current Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine, and the effectiveness of its conduct depends, in particular, on the availability of relevant practically-oriented tactical forensic recommendations.


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