Keywords: traffic accidents, socio-economic consequences, classification of social consequences of traffic accidents.


The purpose of the article is to establish the social consequences of road accidents in Ukraine for 2010–2022 based on the data of official statistics. The following methods were used during the research: formal-logical (when determining the types of social consequences of road accidents); statistical method of summarization and grouping (during initial processing of official statistics data); the method of statistical analysis (when formulating conclusions regarding the total number of road accident victims and assessing its dynamics); tabular method (when constructing tables), comparative method (when analyzing the social consequences of road accidents in different time periods), mathematical method (when making calculations) and some others. Based on the results of the research, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. Road accidents can cause various multifaceted consequences. It is advisable to classify these consequences according to several criteria: according to the time of onset (direct and indirect), according to the degree of severity (minor, medium, severe, especially severe), according to the connection with the road accident (direct and indirect), etc. 2. According to official statistics, over the past 13 years in Ukraine, 483 400 people were injured in road accidents, including 51 000 people who died and 432 400 people were injured. On average, 3 924 people died and 33 262 people were injured annually during this period (almost 11 deaths and 91 injuries per day). During this period, as a result of road accidents, approximately 9 people died and 77 people were injured per 100 000 population. As of 2022, the ratio is about 7 dead and 56 injured per 100 000 population. This indicator is almost twice as high as the European average. 3. The total cost estimate of socio-economic losses of Ukraine from road accidents for 2010–2022 amounted to about 36,5 billion US dollars. On average, Ukraine lost approximately 1,93% of its GDP due to road accidents. 4. At present, research into the socio-economic consequences of road accidents remains promising, namely the development of new and more accurate methods of calculating such consequences.


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