Keywords: role of state, libertarianism, rights, freedom, non-interference of state, social contract.


The purpose. This article explores the concept of the state, its role, and purpose within libertarianism. Research methods. Historical-comparative, hypothetical-deductive, logical (analysis, synthesis) methods were used in the research. Research results. The ideology of libertarianism is rooted in classical economic and political liberalism, which advocates for the protection of individual rights, private property, individual economic, political, and moral freedom, and justice. This includes the promotion of free markets, personal integrity, and limited government interference in private affairs, as well as the importance of the rule of law and legal order. In libertarianism, the social contract theory is used to justify the creation of the state through the free consent of individuals. The role of the state is strictly limited and it is not allowed to interfere in all spheres of society. Anarchic currents of libertarianism propose the complete replacement of state institutions with civil ones. In general, libertarianism recognizes the complete freedom of individuals to dispose of their lives, bodies, security and property, while holding them fully responsible for their life choices, material support, medical and pension provision. The state’s sole purpose is to maintain law and order and ensure the rule of law. One of the core principles of libertarianism is to limit and distribute state power through a written constitution. That means that the growth of bureaucracy and the state apparatus is prohibited, and there is a demand for the reduction or elimination of taxes. Individuals are given the right to use funds saved from taxes for charitable purposes or to provide assistance. Therefore, social rights are not acknowledged, and the responsibility for their provision falls to individuals rather than the state. Additionally, the state does not have the authority to determine the issue of increasing and distributing the public good. It is important to recognize that the state does not grant human rights and requires legitimization itself. Therefore, any restrictions on personal freedoms imposed by legislation should be approached with caution by society. Conclusions. As per the author’s perspective, libertarianism endeavors to establish a society that values the principles of freedom, property, and responsibility in contemporary market economies. While it is true that libertarian views are often considered idealistic, it is worth noting that certain aspects of their ideology may prove beneficial during times of economic or political crises. The author suggests that libertarianism’s view of the state has a drawback – it fails to solve the issue of modern day wars and ignores the varying levels of economic and political development among different states.


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