Goal. The article examines the administrative and legal status of the authorized units (authorized persons)for the prevention and detection of corruption, which operate as part of the forces of the security and defensesector of Ukraine. The relevance of the research topic is due to the need to improve the activities of units for the prevention and detection of corruption in the conditions of martial law and to ensure proper work onthe prevention and counteraction of corruption in the sphere of national security and defense of Ukraine.Methods. The research was conducted using an analytical method. The source base of the research consistsof scientific publications of domestic experts in the field of administrative law, the current legislation of Ukraine,as well as open data on the structure of the national security and defense forces.The results. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the development of an understandingof the administrative and legal status of authorized units (authorized persons) in matters of preventionand detection of corruption. The practical novelty of the study consists in determining the peculiaritiesof the functioning of these units in the sphere of national security and defense of Ukraine in the conditionsof martial law. Based on the results of the research, it was determined that the administrative and legalstatus of authorized units (authorized persons) in matters of prevention and detection of corruption consistof the rights and obligations established by normative legal acts, as well as their place and status in the structureof the security and defense forces of Ukraine. The specified subdivisions may have the status of structuralsubdivisions (departments, departments) of central executive bodies, military, law enforcement or intelligenceformations, and civil defense formations.Conclusions. In the conclusions, the authors note that the restrictions established in the activitiesof the authorized units (authorized persons) for the prevention and detection of corruption in the conditionsof martial law do not extend to such units that operate as part of the security and defense forces. The authorsproposed changes to the legislation, which are designed to consolidate the place of authorized units (authorizedpersons) on issues of prevention and detection of corruption in armed, law enforcement, intelligence formationsand civil defense formations.
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