Keywords: task, object, subject, forensic examination, forensic engineering and technical examination.


Goal. Development of theoretical provisions and practical recommendations regarding the essence of the concept of the subject of forensic engineering and technical expertise. Methods. The research used a system of general scientific methods, namely theoretical generalization, comparison, system analysis and formalization. The results. The article is devoted to the current problems of the modern stage of the development of various types of forensic examination, namely the specification of the subject of engineering and technical forensic examination. The relevance of the study is due to the rapid development of engineering and technical forensic examinations, as well as the growing demand of practice for new types of forensic examinations in this direction in accordance with the laws and principles of its genesis formed in forensic expertise. The essence of the subject of forensic engineering and technical expertise is considered through the prism of a similar, but less specific, concept of forensic expertise itself, which includes the practical activity of an expert and reflects the unity of procedural and epistemological aspects in Ukraine. It has been established that forensic engineering and technical expertise is a procedural action, which consists in conducting a study of the technical condition of the object, the circumstances of a dangerous situation, the causes and consequences of non-compliance with regulatory requirements, etc., with the subsequent drawing up of a conclusion by a forensic expert on issues for the solution of which it is necessary the application of special knowledge in the field of science and technology and which is presented to him by the person who is its initiator, with the aim of obtaining new facts-evidence based on the materials of a specific event. Conclusions. Theoretical provisions and practical recommendations have been developed regarding the essence of the concept of the subject of forensic engineering and technical expertise, which is based on the patterns of development of forensic engineering and technical expertise itself and its genera, species and subspecies. It is outlined that the assessment of compliance with the regulatory requirements of the equipment used for safe performance of work should be included in the subject of the examination of occupational health and safety. It is proven that the definition of the subject of forensic engineering and technical expertise is closely interconnected with its objects and methods, which collectively determine its essence.


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