Keywords: information society, information exchange, communication, communicative practices, communicative platforms, forms of communication, level of communication.


The article is devoted to the study of the types of communicative practices and their characteristic features, thanks to which the implementation of communication in the information society is ensured. The Purpose. The author emphasizes the fallacy of understanding communication only in its verbal manifestation and the existence of other types of mutual connections. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to clarify different types of communicative practices and their characteristic features. Research methods. The optimal methodological basis for research is a complex of philosophical and worldview approaches to the study of types of communicative practices and their characteristics, general scientific and specifically legal methods. Methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, structuralfunctional, terminological, hermeneutic-legal and comparative-legal methods were used. Research results. The article analyzes the problem of typology of communicative practices based on the analysis of researchers’ positions. The types of communication are clarified according to various criteria – depending on the purpose, representations of various aspects of the communicative process, quantitative and subject composition, level of involvement of the person, method of interaction, each of which can be applied under certain conditions. Emphasis is placed on the issue of modern society’s dependence on virtual ways of communication using various communication platforms. Different types and forms of modern communication in the Internet environment are clarified – from traditional text exchanges to more dynamic and personalized chats, including social networks. Conclusions. The author concluded about the importance of communication as an integral component of the modern information society. Realized with the help of communicative practices, communication is recognized as an important process of information transfer between various subjects of social relations and is revealed in its various types. It was noted that modern communication platforms significantly facilitated communication processes, allowing to stay in constant contact without physical presence. Therefore, their further evolution is inevitable, and therefore the next important step is the development of effective legal mechanisms for their application.


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