The article examines the procedure for crossing the border by children under martial law, formulates thepotential risks caused by the border crossing rules, considers the procedure for crossing the border undermartial law by students enrolled in foreign higher education institutions, and formulates the directions forimproving legislative regulation in this area.The purpose of the study is to analyze the current legislation governing the issues of traveling abroad undermartial law by children and male students enrolled in foreign higher education institutions; to formulate the mainproblems of legal regulation of crossing the State border under martial law by children and male students enrolledin foreign higher education institutions, and to identify the areas for improvement of legislation in this area.As a result, the author analyzes the changes in the legislation on crossing the state border by children andstudents of foreign higher education institutions which occurred in connection with the introduction of martial law in Ukraine; the author also examines the court practice in cases related to crossing the state border undermartial law by children and male students enrolled in foreign higher education institutions.In conclusion, it is worth noting that the current level of legal regulation of crossing the state border ofUkraine by children and male citizens of Ukraine enrolled in foreign higher education institutions is imperfectand does not allow for the full realization of the rights and freedoms belonging to Ukrainian citizens in thearea of crossing the state border of Ukraine. At the same time, there is a need to improve the procedure forresolving disputes concerning the travel of children abroad without the consent and accompaniment of theirparents by the courts.
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