The aim of the study is to analyse the legal problems of collecting, processing and using human genomic information, identify the correlation of this term with related categories, and make proposals for partial solutions to these issues. The methodological basis of the scientific article consists of the formal legal method, the method of legal comparativistics, extrapolation, cybernetic and synergetic research methods, analysis and synthesis. The result of the study was the analysis of concepts related to human genomic information, namely: gene, genetic data, personal data, biological data, biometric data. It is concluded that biometric and genetic data are separated in international documents and domestic regulations. Therefore, despite the similarity of the analyzed concepts by their characteristic features, in order to avoid violation of legal technology in national legislation, the definition of human genomic information as a type of biological data is impractical. The extended interpretation of human genomic information is formulated as: (1) personal data, (2) the main carrier of which is DNA, (3) containing information about the development and functioning of the individual’s body, and (4) used to identify the individual. However, the category ‘human genomic information’is not used in international acts. The analyzed law does not provide an explanation of what is the peculiarity of this concept, and therefore, it is impossible to establish the difference between the new term and the genetic data established in the legislation, for example. Therefore, the issue of the need to allocate a new definition at the legal level of Ukraine is debatable. The analysis of international documents and domestic regulations proves that it is advisable to use a single legal terminology – the concept of ‘genetic data’, which has the same meaning as human genomic information. It was found out that genomic fingerprinting is a method of identifying a person. The scope of its application is quite wide: criminology, civil proceedings, establishment of a family tree, clarification of the features of hereditary information, predisposition to diseases, and so on.
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