• Yu.O. Leheza
Keywords: limitation, control, supervision, environment, sociological survey, public


Purpose is to determine directions for improving the implementation of control and supervisoryadministrative procedures in the field of use and protection of natural resources.Methods – analysis, synthesis, comparative law, sociological.Results. It is established that setting effective limits on the use of natural resources should be one of theeffective administrative and legal means of public administration; in case of their excess to economic entities,administrative and economic sanctions are applied, in particular, such as termination of activity of the enterprise.It is emphasized that the limitation of the use of natural resources is carried out with the aim of forming specialenvironmental funds, as well as in order to stimulate the introduction of new technologies by economic entitiesthat contribute to the reduction of pollution of natural resources (atmospheric air, water resources, soils). Basedon the conducted research, the feasibility of optimization in Ukraine of the use of the limitation mechanismin the field of natural resources is substantiated, accompanied by a number of administrative problems, the solution of which is an absolute guarantee of improving the efficiency of human rights protection for a safe environment. Searching for ways to optimize public administration was done by developing and conducting a poll. In order to determine public opinion on the effectiveness of public management in the use of natural resources, as well as to develop optimal ways of optimizing this activity, we conducted a sociological survey (sample size is 321 persons). The poll was attended by citizens of Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia and Kharkiv regions of Ukraine, that is, regions where a threatening ecological situation has developed and where the most environmentally-friendly enterprises are located. The subject of the study is defined as finding out the attitude of the population to the problem of efficiency of public management in the sphere of the use of natural resources and finding ways of its optimization. Conclusions. The results of the sociological survey confirmed the hypothesis that the majority of respondents determine the low efficiency of public participation in management decisions in the field of natural resources; in fact, its effectiveness, according to the population, is minimal. This is a confirmation of the existing existing practice of neglect on the part of public authorities and local self-government by the opinion of the population in adopting normative legal acts and actual leveling of the public opinion in the adoption of acts of public management of individual action. It is substantiated that one of the ways to increase the efficiency of the use of such administrative and legal means of public administration, as limiting pollution of natural resources, is to establish impossibility of prolonging the permit for pollution in case of non-implementation of measures for introduction of the latest technologies aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environment. In addition, it is advisable to introduce additional financing measures for economic entities in the case of the introduction of new treatment plants that reduce the negative impact on natural resources


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