The development of civil society in Ukraine in recent years and the important role that modern youth plays in it give rise to serious, serious interest in opportunities for students to engage in an active social position and interest in legal science. This article is devoted to the role of legal education in the process of implementing the rights and responsibilities of Ukrainian student youth. On the basis of the research of scientific, including foreign literature, the author of the article reasonably proves that the legal education on the wrong faculty plays an extremely important role. It allows students to substantially update their knowledge of their own rights and responsibilities. The experience of legal education, carried out by the staff of the Department of Sociology, Philosophy and Law of the Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, is researched. It is determined that the most effective methods of legal education are interactive methods: competitions, games, disputes. However, some traditional ways of transferring students to important skills, such as meetings with law enforce- ment officers, excursions and expeditions that are legally oriented, remain important. In the course of legal education students gain valuable experience in realizing rights and responsibilities, polishing the skills of in- dependent work with scientific literature. The author has determined that legal education is effective only if the legal space in the group and the institution is established on the basis of mutual trust. According to the author of the article, it is the interactive participation of young people in various legal events that enables teachers to ana- lyze the feedback, adjust the methodological focus. It is substantiated that the serious potential of disclosure of the legal competence of students of non-legal faculties can be realized by solving three main tasks: providing young people with the necessary theoretical and legal training, updating their knowledge during interactive activities, and consolidating their knowledge in the professional activities of future specialists. Legal education can be presented on the basis of a systematic approach as a catalyst in the process of activating young people, realizing students' rights and responsibilities.
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