• V.Ya. Pohrebniak
Keywords: common property, civil rights, rights transfer, continuity, transitivity


Civil-legal mechanism of right transfer is one of actual issues of modern civil law due to the fact of lack of its development within scientific researches. Functioning of such mechanism is determined by dynamic changes but today civil law doctrine doesn’t propose complex description of such changes and as a result issues of appropriate mechanism functioning. Modern civil law science provides two main theories that explain essence of civil rights transfer that are theory of continuity and theory of transitivity. According to main point of view within theory of continuity transfer of rights is moving of right from one person to another one. At the same time theory of transitivity provides that rights and obligations are not able to move in the space thereby they cannot transfer. That’s why transfer of civil rights means their termination at one person and establishment at another. The author makes an attempt to demonstrate essence and specificity of civil-legal mechanism of right transfer in aspect of construction of legal relationships of common property. Case when owner of property disposes part of his right to another person transforming sole property to common property shows vulnerability of transitivity theory according to which that means that one property relationship terminates and another is establishing. First of all there is a technical feature. According to legislative provisions statutory document remains and doesn’t change to another one in provided case. Notary just stamps on it that person is co-owner of appropriate thing. At the same time enquirer’s title is confirmed by contract by which he has got part of owne ’s right. But the main proof of right transfer is preservation legal history of appropriate thing. In particular, current legislative provisions allows owner dispose part of his property right in case when thing was given in rent by him. In this instance rent relationships don’t terminate but one more lessor enters them. Appealing to case law, current legislative provisions and comparing primary and derivative methods of right-acquisition the author illustrates advantages and disadvantages of theory of continuity as well as theory of transitivity.


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