The article carries out a systematic analysis of current normative legal acts and the positions of domestic scientists in the field of penitentiary law aimed at researching the problems of the safety of convicts in places of deprivation of liberty in Ukraine under martial law. A number of provisions of normative legal acts and positions of scientists regarding the definition and content of the right of a convicted person to personal safety are analyzed. Statistical data indicate a number of negative phenomena regarding the provision of the right to personal security of convicts under martial law, in particular, they include: the declarative nature of certain provisions regarding the return of convicts who remained on the territory of the ARC and ORDLO since 2014; the absence of a mechanism for the evacuation of military personnel from temporarily occupied territories; ensuring the realization of the rights of more than 3,000 convicts who are kept in prisons in an uncontrolled territory remains outside the scope of legal regulation; committing such criminal and military offenses against convicts as intimidation, violence, torture and murders, movement of prisoners in an unknown direction; coercion to obtain citizenship; the use of prisoners for forced, irregular labor, for participation in military operations and as “human shields”; the use of the material and technical base and the territory of the Ukrainian Armed Forces for the accommodation of personnel of the Russian military, military equipment, equipment and ammunition. An important means of realizing the rights of convicts to safety is the creation of sufficient, effective legislative mechanisms of appropriate legal regulation aimed at ensuring the personal safety of convicts in places of deprivation of liberty in Ukraine under martial law. Forms of ensuring the convict’s right to personal safety under the condition of the introduction of martial law in the state are: regulatory and legal regulation of the convict’s personal safety; normative confirmation of the criteria for the personal safety of the convicted person by the administration of the institution of execution of punishments; transfer of the convict to more secure premises of the colony; taking measures to eliminate the danger; resolution of the issue of the further place of serving the punishment of the convicted person and others.
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