Keywords: forensic historical and archaeological research; geophysical methods, forensic examination, methods of forensic examination, objects of archaeological significance


The article discusses geophysical methods that can be used to conduct forensic historical-archaeological research. The geophysical methods that are in demand in the course of historical and archaeological research include magnetic exploration, ground-penetrating radar method, and electrical exploration using electrical resistance tomography. As an example of the application of geophysical methods, the study of an early Slavic settlement near the city of Obukhiv is given. In the opinion of the author, geophysical methods, by the degree of commonality and subordination, belong to separate methods, that is, those used in some (separate) spheres of scientific knowledge. Geophysical methods are based on the application of various physical methods used by archaeologists to detect artifacts hidden under the surface of the earth, such as the remains of buildings, burials, etc. The purpose of the article is to analyze geophysical methods and the possibility of their application in forensic historical-archaeological research. The value of geophysical methods for forensic historical-archaeological research lies in the fact that with their help, and without excavation, it is possible to obtain very important data about the layout and dimensions of various ceramic structures, stone structures, defensive ditches, about the presence of household and residential pits, iron smelting and pottery furnaces, furnaces and many other objects. The possibility of applying geophysical methods during the forensic examination of land plots in order to establish the presence or absence of objects of archaeological importance in it can facilitate and speed up the work of the forensic expert archaeologist.


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