The article highlights a number of questions that arise before the expert during the forensic investigation of phonograms with the oral speech of individuals for the purpose of speaker identification. The article provides objective and subjective research methods, such as auditory, visual, linguistic analyzes and automated research methods with the involvement of modern capabilities of software and technical tools. The process of speaker identification can be carried out using instrumental or linguistic methods, or a combination of these methods. The purpose of the article is to analyze the specific features of the variability of a person’s voice formation and speech, the influence of both external environmental and other factors on them. Various possibilities of conducting identification studies are considered. Attention is drawn to the peculiarities of speech diagnostics in order to obtain information about the identity of the unknown, situational moments related to the speaker, his emotional or psychological states, socio-biological features of the speaker (origin, profession, intelligence, etc.), physical characteristics, and on information that can be obtained by diagnosing non-speech information. The article examines both the anatomical speech-forming apparatus of a person, which creates its own individual picture of the speech signal that is characteristic of a certain person, and the speech behavior of the speaker, his skills, individual experience, mental state, temperament, intelligence, etc., which influence the creation of the individual picture of the speaker. Factors whose variability affects the characteristics of the voice recorded in the sound recording are considered, and on the one hand, prevent the conduct of an instant full-fledged identification study, but on the other hand, indicate ways to overcome obstacles to conducting a qualitative identification study of the speake.
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