Keywords: legal relations, labor relations, atypical labor relations, employment, atypical employment


Now, all vital processes are connected with communication between people. A person needs communication in full for effective study, work, recreation, etc. However, from the end of 2019 until today, such a process between people has become more complicated due to certain external factors, which mostly do not depend on the will of a wide range of individuals. So, at the end of 2019, the world experienced the first precautionary measures in the form of self-isolation, quarantine, mask regime and other inconveniences caused by the spread of the coronavirus disease SARS-CoV-2. Due to the pandemic, the world economy stopped developing and stood still for some time. All nationwide processes, the usual mode of life of people were put on hold, the labor activity of individuals was forcibly stopped. Therefore, the state proposed non-typical types of employment, such as remote work, work from home, etc. Subsequently, atypical types of employment did not lose their relevance in the labor market of Ukraine and provided variability in the construction of new labor relations. The new impulse for the development of atypical types of labor activity was due to the introduction of martial law in Ukraine in connection with the armed aggression of the Russian Federation on the territory of our state. Military actions in the regions, mass shelling, terror of the civilians in most cases do not allow the labor process to take place in its usual form, that is why the process of establishing and fully introducing an atypical form of employment into the legal system of Ukraine is currently underway, a scientifi approach to defining the concept of atypical labor relations isbeing initiated. This article reveals the concept of atypical labor relations and indicates its signs. Since a single scientific approach to the definition of this concept has not yet been created, the general public does not know for sure how and in which case such legal relations should be applied. In the article, the author suggested a definition of the concept of “atypical labor relations” and analyzed the features of this concept. In the context of atypical labor legal relations, such legal phenomena as: legal relations, its structure and classification have been investigated; labor relations and their signs, concepts of employment and atypical employment, as well as the analyzed works of scientists who researched such phenomena. The positions of the current legislation regulating such atypical types of employment as: work from home, remote work, work with non-fixed working hours are analyzed.


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