• V.I. Voronin
Keywords: forensic technique, deliberate murder, commissioned using explosive devices, methodology, perspective direction


In this article, we focused on the fact that the formation of separate methods of investigation of crimes is the direction of development of forensic methodology. The prospect of forming a method of investigating deliberate assassinations made to order using explosive devices is substantiated. It is noted that be fore the forensic science there is an important scientific task dictated by the crime situation in Ukraine and the needs of the pre-trial investigation bodies, which consists in the construction of methods for investigating deliberate murders committed on orders with the use of explosive devices. The feature of the method of investigating this kind of deliberate murder is that it combines the specifics of the investigation of the simultaneous murders committed on orders and the killings committed using explosive devices. More over, as a sub-methodology, it is based on the provisions of such forensic methods of a higher level of generalization as a method of investigating murders and a methodology for investigating criminal explosions. So, in relation to the methodology of investigating deliberate killings committed on orders with the use of explosive devices, one can apply the assertions that the more narrow the range of crimes that are allocated as an object of forensic research, the more precise and valuable will be the scientific recommendations for their disclosure and the investigation. The creation of this investigative technique should be realized by identifying the peculiarities of the mechanism for committing such offenses and their influence on the formulation of forensic characteristics; the al location of investigative situations that are characteristic of the initial and subsequent stages of the investigation, and the identification of the appropriate set of measures; identification of typical tactical operations and peculiarities of carrying out of separate investigative (search) actions during the investigation of deliberate assassinations made to order using explosive devices.


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