• S.H. Hasparian
Keywords: personnel support, management activity, purpose of staffing, expert institutions


The article deals with the essence of staffing of expert institutions of Ukraine. Based on the analysis of the opinions of scientists regarding the understanding of the concept of “staffing”, the author provided his own definition of “staffing of expert institutions”, which suggests to understand the complex of measures to fill the expert institutions and their structural units highly qualified, and those that meet all the requirements of personnel, organization of their work and professional development, in order to ensure, in the future, proper performance of their expert activities and the provision of appropriate professional and qualitative exertnyh services. On the basis of the proposed definition, the signs of staffing of expert institutions of Ukraine are identified, among which are: 1) a type of management activity; 2) one of the areas of personnel policy; 3) submitted by the system of measures to fill the expert institutions and their structural divisions highly qualified, and those that meet all requirements of the personnel; 4) consists of organizational and functional structures; 5) own principles and functions; 6) contributes to ensuring, in the future, proper implementation by experts of expert activities and the provision of appropriate professional and qualitative expert services. It is determined that the value of staffing of expert institutions of Ukraine is to ensure a fair and comprehensive pre-trial investigation, judicial review, and the provision of other services related to the use of specialist knowledge through the involvement of employees of expert institutions. It is determined that the purpose of staffing of expert institutions of Ukraine is to fill the qualified and those that meet the necessary requirements of personnel, organization of their activities and maintenance of qualifications. In order to determine the specifics of staffing of expert institutions, the scope of their activities, functions and tasks they perform in different departments are determined.


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